In Case of Natural Disaster

In Case of Natural Disaster
kevin frank pellecer: en caso de desastre natural
in case of natural disaster
harrisburg studios, 7416 harrisburg blvd, houston, tx 77011
one day only
3ish to 6ish sunday, april 29, 2018
Please join Yvonne to celebrate the first U.S. exhibition by Guatemala City-based artist Kevin Frank Pellecer.
Featuring a selection of photographs from his ongoing series (and eponymous book) Fosa Común (Mass Grave), the exhibition looks at the often-unseen corners and edges of a complex, post-war city, prone to systemic failures, natural disasters, and quotidian violences. Indeed, in its enigmas and challenges, Guatemala City shares much in common with Houston, even as it processes these experiences of (un)natural disaster differently. Pellecer's photographs of Houston will be on view in Guatemala City in August 2018 in the Paiz Biennial.
"I was born and raised in Guatemala City which, like many other places is chaotic but sublime at the same time. While exploring the many ways of thinking that make the city, I approach it as a form of a visual diary. In the paradoxical nature of the human being, the thing that most attracts me is how a Guatemalan idiosyncrasy is built around contradictory concepts." ///// "Nací y crecí en ciudad de Guatemala, Que como muchas es caótica pero sublime a la vez. Indagando en la multiplicidad de pensamientos que constituyen a la ciudad. Abordo a la ciudad en la forma de un diario visual, Siendo la naturaleza paradójica del ser humano lo que más me atrae así como la forma como la idiosincrasia guatemalteca está construida alrededor de conceptos contradictorios." KFP.