
Songs & Things & Dreams & Mud

Songs & Things & Dreams & Mud
Essays on art in place, on precariousness & survival,
on living with artists, on the muddiness of grief & song,
on floods and what it means to name a thing.
Or: some thoughts.

Posts tagged Ryan Hawk
Strap-ons and Fascism

Have you catastrophized about your extremities? Have you imagined your toe getting caught in a door or on a splinter, the nail being split or damaged, the appendage’s smallness always making it vulnerable to being cut or scraped or mangled, pierced or torn apart? Have you played that imagined moment over and over in your mind, sickened and aroused by its strangeness? And if that appendage extended impossibly out along the floor, curling around itself and reaching far in front of its body, would that make this uncomfortable pleasure greater? I.e. can vulnerability be scaled, compared, somehow measured, enjoyed?

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